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Tmux Cheat Sheet

·3 mins· ·
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Liu Zhe You
Liu Zhe You
Skilled in full-stack development and DevOps, currently focusing on Backend.
Table of Contents

tmux source code



Since the VM provided for the Programming 1 course requires a Cloudflare tunnel setup for connection
(If interested, you can see my Cloudflare-tunnel setup process)

I wanted to use tmux to keep the tunnel running in the background
and to check the tunnel’s status at any time

tmux Concepts

tmux can be divided into three levels

  1. Session
  2. Window
  3. Pane


Session is the highest level in tmux
You can think of it as a workspace in tmux
A session can have multiple windows

tmux ls : list session
(List all available sessions)


Window is the second level in tmux
You can think of it as different windows within a session
A window can have multiple panes


Pane is the third level in tmux
You can think of it as different split screens within a window
A pane can only have one shell
Panes in the same window can be split horizontally or vertically

tmux +s

(This is how it can be split)

Common tmux Commands

If you are in tmux, you can press Ctrl + b to enter tmux command mode
(Just like pressing : in vim)


From the command line:

  • tmux new -s <session-name> : Create a new session named <session-name>
  • tmux ls : List all available sessions
  • tmux attach -t <session-name> : Attach to a session named <session-name>

In tmux:

  • Ctrl + b + d : Detach from the tmux session
    This does not close the session; it just detaches
    The programs in the session will continue to run!!!
  • Ctrl + b + s : List all available sessions
    tmux +s


  • Ctrl + b + c : Create a new window
  • Ctrl + b + n : Switch to the next window
  • Ctrl + b + p : Switch to the previous window
  • Ctrl + b + w : List all available windows


Splitting panes:

  • Ctrl + b + % : Split the screen vertically (left/right split)
  • Ctrl + b + " : Split the screen horizontally (top/bottom split)
  • Ctrl + b + x : Close the current pane

Resizing panes: You can first press Ctrl + b then : to enter tmux command mode
Then type resize-pane (you can use Tab for auto-completion)
Then add -U (up) -D (down) -L (left) -R (right)
Followed by a number to adjust the size of the pane


Switching between panes:

  • Ctrl + b + <arrow-key> : Switch to the specified pane
  • Ctrl + b + q : Display a number on each pane
    • Ctrl + b + q + <number> : Switch to the specified pane

pane ls


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