Kubernetes Cheat Sheet:
Extract ConfigMap
or Secret
to .env file#
Extract from ConfigMap
kubectl get configmap my-map --output json | jq '.data' | jq -r 'to_entries | map(.key + "=" + (.value)) | .[]' >> .env
kubectl get configmap my-map --output json |
# Extract the data section.
jq '.data' |
# Replace each "key": "value" pair with "key=value"
jq -r 'to_entries | map(.key + "=" + (.value)) | .[]' >> .env
Extract from Secret
kubectl get secret my-secret --output json | jq '.data' | jq 'map_values(@base64d)' | jq -r 'to_entries | map(.key + "=" + (.value)) | .[]' >> .env
kubectl get secret my-secret --output json |
# Extract the data section.
jq '.data' |
# Decode the value of each keys.
jq 'map_values(@base64d)' |
# Replace each "key": "value" pair with "key=value"
jq -r 'to_entries | map(.key + "=" + (.value)) | .[]' >> .env
Extract from helm
# Extract the values with a `awk` script: we print everything starting from the line that contains only `configmap` until the first empty line.
awk '{if ($0 ~ /^configmap:$/) {triggered=1;}if (triggered) {print; if ($0 ~ /^$/) { exit;}}}' "./project/values.yaml" |
# Keep only the indented lines that contains our configuration values.
grep '^ ' |
# Transform key: value into key=value
sed 's/ //;s/: /=/' >> .env